The idea of the super-book...

With the release of my new novel (LIFE IS BIG), I’ve been receiving messages from readers from all over.  More than half of these kind people are curious to know how I came up with the idea of ‘the-super-book’.  What does an evolving/living-book entail? And why I didn’t “make” LIFE IS BIG into a real super-book?

A high school student from Italy suggested contacting a big company (“like amazon or google”) and asking them to invest in creating “the super-book of LIFE IS BIG.”

SOONIM, The Latest Visit!

SOONIM, The Latest Visit!

Soonim and I met back in 2006 in an artist residency in Vermont.  I was one of the dozen writers in residency. She was the visual artist from Incheon, South Korea.  Small, serene and always with a smile on her face, she got my attention at first glance so we began talking.  At the time Soonim’s English was pretty basic, thus our conversations were filled with short (or longer) pauses.  From the start those pauses were warm and welcoming, and had nothing to do with the awkward silences people often experience.


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