"Dear Dr. A or Ayrton,
I would like to thank you for your visit and your rare gifts. Also, I would like to let you know that I am glad that part of Dr. Einstein’s brain is in your hands. I think you deserve that piece of Dr. Einstein much more than I do.
Last but not least, I would like you to have the note that you will find enclosed along with my letter. It was written by a person very dear to me, whom I believe if you had had the chance of meeting, you would have liked a lot. I think you possess similar, noble qualities that she was known for exhibiting, such as integrity and the belief that people do wrong mainly because of ignorance and not because they willingly intend to.
I tore out the last page of Sonja’s notebook and enclosed it with my letter. In clear, capital letters, Sonja had written:
“Life is Big. Immortality exists, although it doesn’t apply to humans (yet).”
--- from Laszlo, LIFE IS BIG by Kiki Denis, foreword by Liya Kebede
The above cover is designed by Morteza Karimi (www.mortezakarimi.com)
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